Marian is a documentary photographer and filmmaker who believes that the most powerful work is created at the intersection of art and journalism. She’s especially drawn to crafting visual narratives that contribute to our collective understanding of each other.
Marian has worked on production teams for renowned programs like Frontline, Al Jazeera Witness, and Voice of America. Her photography work is featured in publications such as National Geographic, NPR, Bloomberg, Pro Publica, Der Speigel and she is a regular contributor to The New York Times.
Notably, she co-directed the Al Jazeera Witness documentary "Irse - Leaving Venezuela" in 2020 which screened at numerous film festivals both in the US and abroad. The film delves into the story of two mothers facing Venezuela’s economic crisis as they embark on a journey to safely give birth in Colombia. Additionally, she served as the Associate Producer on Frontline's latest collaboration with the Associated Press and Howard Centers for Investigative Reporting, Documenting Police Use of Force which aired on PBS in April of 2024.
Marian received her BFA in photography from the Savannah College of Art and Design in 2016 and her master’s degree in Documentary Filmmaking from UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism in 2019.
mariancarrasquero@gmail.com // @mariancaa